Nominating Committee:

The Nominating Committee is chaired by the President-Elect and otherwise consists of the President, Past-President, Secretary, all elected Committee Chairs and the Executive Director of the Association. This committee meets at least annually. The Nominating Committee is responsible for carrying out the annual election of officers for the Governing Council as provided in the by-laws. In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the Nominating Committee may solicit the membership for nominations for the various elected positions. The committee maintains a schedule of election activities including ballot preparation and is expected to meet the election deadlines as described in these by-laws. The committee performs all other nomination-and election-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

Lisa-Jean Clifford  (Chair - President-Elect)
COO & Chief Strategy Officer

Gestalt Diagnostics

Ronald Jackups, MD
Associate Professor
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Ji Yeon Kim, MD, MPH  (Past-President)
Physician Director of Laboratory Informatics
Esoteric Chemistry, Special Coagulation and Immunology

Kaiser Permanente Southern California

Program Committee:

The Program Committee consists of its Chair, its Chair-Elect, Chair of the Training and Education Committee, Co-Conference Director(s), a member of the API staff and any authorized appointees. This committee meets at least monthly. The Program Committee develops and organizes program content for all scientific and educational programs (e.g., companion society meetings, courses, programs, webinars, conferences assigned by the Governing Council) including the annual Pathology Informatics Summit in partnership with the Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee. The program committee is responsible for content planning, invitations to speakers and completing any necessary documentation for API or other organizations related to program content and planning. The committee is responsible for collecting, assembling and providing results of evaluations of program content as directed by the Governing Council. The committee maintains a schedule of conferences at which API will provide program content as well as a schedule of preparatory tasks and submission deadlines for content planning (e.g., solicitation of speakers, presentation titles and abstracts, maintenance of certification questions). For programs developed by the program committee, the committee is expected to comply with all deadlines required by conference/meeting organizers and, in as much as possible, to comply with any program themes identified by the conference/meeting organizers. The committee keeps a running list of content presented at each venue to ensure that new content development is current and relevant. This committee works closely with the Training and Education Committee to develop and provide relevant content for nonmembers and members of all categories and the Association. The committee performs all other program related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

David McClintock, MD  (Chair)
Chair, Division of Computational Pathology and Artificial Intelligence
Senior Associate Consultant, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic


Amrom Obstfeld, MD  (Chair-Elect)
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager

Grace Chae
API Senior Manager
JPI Managing Editor

Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee:

The Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee is chaired by the conference director and otherwise consists of the co-conference directors, chair of the program committee, chair-elect of the program committee, conference managers, executive director of the API and any authorized appointees under. This committee meets at least monthly. The Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee is responsible for the overall organizing, planning and execution of the Pathology Informatics Summit (otherwise known as the annual scientific meeting of the API). This committee is not responsible for other meetings in which the Association may participate as these are the responsibility of the Program Committee. The Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee proposes the major theme for the Pathology Informatics Summit which must be approved by the Governing Council. This committee is responsible for the solicitation of corporate exhibitors and sponsors as well as for other sources of financial support for the Summit. This committee works with the Governing Council and the Training and Education Committee to determine the number of trainees who can be funded to attend the meeting with travel awards and provides mutually agreed upon times and rooms for the Training and Education committee to recognize and support travel awardees and other trainees at the Summit. The committee solicits (from other API Committees and membership) and maintains a list of all potentially competing meetings for at least two and preferably three years in the future so that scheduling of the Pathology Informatics Summit does not conflict with another major meeting. This committee recruits, reviews and appoints API staff member(s) to serve as Conference Manager(s) to carry out the tasks assigned by the committee. The committee performs all other Summit-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

Ulysses J. Balis, M.D.  (Co-Chair)
Director, Division of Pathology Informatics
Director, Pathology Informatics Fellowship Program
Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology
University of Michigan Health System


J. Mark Tuthill, M.D.  (Co-Chair)
Division Head, Pathology Informatics
Henry Ford Health System 
Detroit, MI

COO and Chief Strategy Officer
Gestalt Diagnostics
Ms. Clifford is currently the COO & Chief Strategy Officer of Gestalt Diagnostics and has over twenty years of experience in healthcare and laboratory technology with fifteen years of experience in digital pathology. Her roles include over eleven years as the CEO of an LIS company, with other senior level roles in product and organizational strategy, corporate operations, marketing, business development, digital pathology and product management. She has worked at leading healthcare solution vendors including McKesson and IDX (GE Healthcare), and has held executive level positions as Vice President of Global Marketing at International Data Group (IDG) and Operations at eBusiness Technologies. Ms. Clifford is widely published in business and industry trade publications; has authored a book on XML; and frequently presents educational and thought leadership sessions at healthcare industry conferences focused on technology. CLOSE

Bruce A. Friedman, MD

Pathology Education Consortium

Omar Baba, MD
Henry Ford Health System

Lauren Miller, MD
University of Michigan Trainee
Ann Arbor, MI

Mustafa Yousif, MD
Director of Digital Pathology
University of Michigan
[email protected]

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager


Beth Gibson
Conference Manager
CME Coordinator


Grace Chae
API Senior Manager
JPI Managing Editor

Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence Workshop Committee:

Associate Attending
Director of Pathology Informatics
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

David McClintock, MD  (Co-Chair)
Chair, Division of Computational Pathology and Artificial Intelligence
Senior Associate Consultant, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic

Assistant Professor
University of Louisville

Andrew Evans, MD, PhD, FCAP, FRCPC
Chief of Pathology, Medical Director of Laboratory Medicine
Mackenzie Health
Richmond Hill, ON
[email protected]


Bruce A. Friedman, MD

Pathology Education Consortium

Parnaz Daneshpajouhnejad, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

Assistant Clinical Professor, Pathology and Lab Medicine
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager

Grace Chae
API Senior Manager
JPI Managing Editor




Training and Education Committee:

The Training and Education Committee consists of its chair, the program committee chair-elect, at least one Associate member appointee, an API staff member and any authorized appointees under. This committee meets at least quarterly. The Training and Education Committee works in partnership with the Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee and the Program Committee to ensure that content is developed that meets the educational needs of API members of all categories but particularly for Associate members. The committee maintains the primary responsibility for the Travel Award program which provides funding to Associate Members of the Association to travel to and participate in the Pathology Informatics Summit. The committee solicits funding for the Travel Awards to the Pathology Informatics Summit and works with the Pathology Informatics Summit Planning Committee and Governing Council to determine the number of Travel Awards that can be funded at least six months prior to the Pathology Informatics Summit. The committee solicits and reviews applications for the Travel Awards and determines based on pre-defined criteria which applicants will receive the Travel Awards. The committee will communicate with the Travel Award Applicants and Awardees as necessary to ensure smooth flow of the program. The Chair leads the Travel Awardee Luncheon at the Pathology Informatics Summit, the goal of which is to provide networking between trainees and program faculty. The committee monitors the effectiveness of the Travel Award program after each Pathology Informatics Summit and provides reports of its effectiveness to the Governing Council. In addition to the Travel Award Program, the committee organizes and implements any mentor-matching programs for trainees and faculty and monitors the effectiveness of such programs. The committee reviewand updates the list of active pathology informatics and clinical informatics fellowship programs on the API website via the Publications Committee, including provision of appropriate levels of detail and hyperlinks to application portals. The committee recruits Associate Members to become more involved in the organization and puts forward interested Associate members to chairs of other API committees as possible committee membersThe committee keeps a list of the training and education requirements in pathology informatics for physicians (e.g., residents, fellows) as well as non-physicians (e.g., PhD students, post-doctoral students) and other pathology professionals. The committee provides recommendations for actions to be approved by the Governing Council with regard to national and international training and education initiatives and works with other organizations as needed on training and education initiatives that affect pathology informatics (e.g., Clinical Informatics Fellowships, ACGME requirements for Informatics training in pathology residencies and non-informatics fellowships). The committee communicates with Associate Members of the Association on an at least semi-annual basisThe committee performs all other training-and education-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

Associate CMIO for Lab Medicine and Pathology
MHealth Fairview, University of Minnesota


Yonah C. Ziemba, MD (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Donald & Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell
Associate Medical Director, Northwell Health Laboratories

Ronald Jackups, MD 
Associate Professor
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Samuel McCash
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager
JPI Managing Editor

Amrom Obstfeld, MD  (Chair-Elect)
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Rand Abou Shaar, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Pittsburgh, PA

Patricia Hernandez, MD
Washington University, St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

Kinjal Shah, MD
University of Tennessee Health Science Center


Srikar Chamala, PhD, FAMIA
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology
Director, Pathology Informatics, Bioinformatics, and Data Science
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles / University of Southern California

Matthew Luo, MD
University of Washington
St. Louis, MO


Mehrvash Haghighi, MD (API PIER Committee Chair)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY

Fellow, Clinical Informatics

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager

Grace Chae
API Senior Manager 
JPI Managing Editor




Publications Committee and the Journal of Pathology Informatics:

The Publications Committee consists of its chair, the Secretary, the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Pathology Informatics, an API staff member and any authorized appointees under. Among the authorized appointees, the Publications Committee chair is encouraged but not required to include a Social Media Coordinator and an Editor for the Association web site. This committee meets at least quarterly. The Publications Committee is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the various publications of the Association including but not limited to the Journal of Pathology Informatics, the Association newsletter, the Association web site and social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). The committee is responsible for solicitation of content for as well as construction and dissemination of the Association newsletter at least annually to the Association membership. The committee should communicate with the Association staff including the webmaster for necessary updates to Association website contentThe committee performs all other publications-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council. 
The Editors-In-Chief of the Journal of Pathology Informatics are responsible for ensuring the financial and academic health of the journal of the Association (i.e., the Journal of Pathology Informatics) and for reporting on the health and activities of the journal regularly at meetings of the Governing Council. As such, he/she works with API staff to lead a meeting of the Editorial Board at least annually with at least one of those meetings held at the Pathology Informatics Summit. The Editors-In-Chief select Editorial Board members and reviewers and ensures that submitted manuscripts are reviewed in a timely manner. The Editor-In-Chief works to ensure that the highest quality articles are being published which are timely and relevant to the field of Pathology Informatics. 
Medical Director of Informatics
Medical College of Wisconsin


Lisa-Jean Clifford  (Chair - President-Elect)
COO & Chief Strategy Officer

Gestalt Diagnostics

JPI Editors:
Anil V. Parwani, MD, PhD
Professor of Pathology
Chair, Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University
Editor-in-chief of Diagnostic Pathology
Editor of the Journal of Pathology Informatics

Liron Pantanowitz, MD
Professor of Pathology
Chair, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Editor of the Journal of Pathology Informatics

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager

Grace Chae
API Senior Manager 
JPI Managing Editor

Tracie Ball
Administrative and Social Media Support


Technology Standards and Innovation Committee:

The Technology Standards and Innovation Committee consists of its chair, an API staff member and any authorized appointees under. Among the authorized appointees, the chair of the Technology Standards and Innovation Committee should, as much as possible, populate the committee with active members of various standards development organizations relevant to the practice of Pathology Informatics. This committee meets at least quarterly. The Technology Standards and Innovation Committee coordinates and tracks changes in technical standards that impact the practice of pathology and pathology informatics (e.g., data standards for security, confidentiality, coding, and reporting, as well as standards and validation of methods for the transfer, sharing and merging of data among institutions). The committee reviews changes in standards and applicable regulations and, when necessary, notifies the Governing Council of changes that would benefit from a formal response by the Association. The committee works with Governing Council to construct formal responsewithin any necessary timelines and works with the Publications Committee to publish those responses in appropriate venues. The committee provides formal written semi-annual report of standards activities related to pathology informatics to the Governing Council. In fulfilling its charge and when appropriate, the committee works with other pathology and scientific professional societies, regulatory agencies and industry groupsThe committee performs all other standards-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

Victor Brodsky, PhD (Co-Chair)
Associate Professor and Associate Medical Director of Information Systems Department of Pathology and Immunology
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Keluo Yao, MD 

Cytopathology Fellowship Faculty
Cedars Sinai, Los Angeles, CA

Steven N. Hart, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Division of Computational Pathology and AI
Mayo College of Medicine

Peter Gershkovich, MD
Director, Section of Pathology Informatics and Cancer Data Science
Associate Professor
Yale University School of Medicine

Noah G. Hoffman, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Head of the Informatics Division of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (DLMP)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Chad Meyers
VP / Segment Line Leader, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology
Tucson, AZ

Assistant Clinical Professor, Pathology and Lab Medicine
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Simone_Arvisais-Anhalt, MD
Director of Laboratory Medicine Informatics
Director of Specimen Processing and Sendout Testing
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA

Lauren Miller, MD
University of Michigan Trainee
Ann Arbor, MI



Membership Committee:

The Membership Committee consists of its chair, an API staff member and any authorized appointees under. The chair of the Membership committee should strongly consider appointing at least one member from each membership category to the committee. This committee meets at least monthly. The Membership Committee makes recommendations about strategies to increase and retain membership in the Association and proposes updates to member benefits to the Governing Council. The committee investigates and reviews alleged violations of the ethical standards, policies or procedures of the Association by a member. As necessary, the committee will bring proposals for revocation of membership to the Governing Council for vote. The committee reviews membership statistics on an at least semi-annual basis and reports rates of new members, membership attrition and overall membership by membership category to the Governing Council. In conjunction with Association staff, the committee performs the annual solicitation of membership renewals and communicates with members who have failed to renew their memberships. The committee provides names of members who have exceeded the renewal grace period to API Staff for removal of member benefits. The committee solicits feedback on member benefits from API members at least annually and works with the Budget and Finance Committee to develop the annual dues for each membership category. The committee performs all other membership-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.                  

Sarah K. Findeis, MD (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center

Jenny Weon, MD (Co-Chair)
Integrated Clinical Informatics and Neuropathology Fellow
Department of Pathology
UT Southwestern in Dallas, TX

Ji Yeon Kim, MD, MPH
Physician Director of Laboratory Informatics
Esoteric Chemistry, Special Coagulation and Immunology
Kaiser Permanente Southern California

Rand Abou Shaar, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Pittsburgh, PA

Kareem Hosny, MD (DEI Chair)
Assistant Professor Anatomical Pathology Informatics Division
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
University of Washington

Mustafa Deebajah, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA

Chance Walker, MD
University of Utah

Tyler Cooke, MD
Columbia University

Katherine Crawford, MD, PhD
University of Washington

Shatavisha Dasgupta, MD, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Beth Hakamy, MBBS
Research Scientist

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Bettie Yeboah, MD
Resident, Clinical Pathology
University of Virginia


Director of Laboratory Medicine Informatics
Director of Specimen Processing and Sendout Testing
University of California San Francisco

Nova Smith
API Executive Director
Senior Conference Manager

Grace Chae
API Senior Manager
JPI Managing Editor



Additional Members:
Anas Saad

Budget and Finance Committee:

The Budget and Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and otherwise consists of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Conference Director, Executive Director and any authorized appointees under. This committee meets at least quarterly. The Budget and Finance Committee develops the annual Association budget which includes the budgets for all Association activities including the Pathology Informatics Summit. The committee submits the budget for review and approval by the Governing Council at least annually which is at least one month prior to but no more than three months prior to the beginning of the financial year for the organization. The committee maintains and oversees the annual budget of the Association and reports on budget variances to the Governing Council at least every two months. The committee reports significant unexpected budget variances to the President no less than two weeks after discovery. The committee investigates and proposes investment strategies and electronic commerce strategies for the Associations assets for review and approval by the Governing Council. If donations are collected into the organization which have restricted use, then this committee is responsible for ensuring that the funds are tracked separately and used in a manner consistent with their restrictions. The committee works with the Membership Committee to develop the annual dues for each membership category. The committee performs all other budget-and finance-related duties as assigned by the Governing Council and completes its charge in accordance with a budget established by the Governing Council.

Christopher Williams, MD (Chair)
Clinical Pathologist
Director of Informatics for the Department of Pathology
OU Health in Oklahoma City 

Enrique Terrazas, MD, PhD
Clinical Professor, Laboratory Medicine, USCF
Quest Diagnostics

Ronald Jackups, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Lisa-Jean Clifford  (Chair - President-Elect)
COO & Chief Strategy Officer

Gestalt Diagnostics

Ji Yeon Kim, MD, MPH  (Past-President)
Physician Director of Laboratory Informatics
Esoteric Chemistry, Special Coagulation and Immunology

Kaiser Permanente Southern California

Ulysses J. Balis, MD (Co-Chair)
Director, Division of Pathology Informatics
Director, Pathology Informatics Fellowship Program
Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology
University of Michigan Health System

J. Mark Tuthill, MD  (Co-Chair)
Division Head, Pathology Informatics
Henry Ford Health System 
Detroit, MI

Sarah K. Findeis, MD (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center

Jenny Weon, MD (Co-Chair)
Integrated Clinical Informatics and Neuropathology Fellow
Department of Pathology
UT Southwestern in Dallas, TX

Nova Smith
API Executive Director 
Senior Conference Manager