Welcome to the Corista Virtual BoothCorista’s DP3 delivers an extensive array of digital workflows and analytical and collaborative tools. As an innovator in digital pathology, Corista has expanded its functionality to Research and Education applications. DP3’s suite of pathology workflows and image analytics enables pathologists and scientists to better analyze, collaborate, communicate, teach and report. DP3 provides integrated access to all image scanning systems, LIS/EHR platforms and ‘best-of-breed’ image analytics. For research and project-based workflows, DP3’s new Research Module enables cases and images to be assigned across multiple projects. DP3’s new Education Module provides access to cases and images for courses, lesson plans and slide sets for students of pathology. Specialists receive digital consults from across the globe, and researchers have a powerful platform upon which to develop and apply their algorithms. Corista: This is Integrated Pathology™. Resources
Our Booth Manager:
Catherine Cline Sr. Director of Sales *Catherine recently joined Corista in March, moving from Huron Digital Pathology where, as Director of Sales, sold a variety of whole slide scanners and AI solutions globally. Catherine brings a wide breadth of experience having sold imaging solutions into clinical, research and education applications. Catherine enjoys working with innovative companies and institutions passionate about improving healthcare and patient outcomes.