Announcing API's new Ad-hoc DEI Chair!

Dr. Kareem Hosny

Assistant Professor Anatomical Pathology Informatics Division, Head of Digital Pathology,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,  University of Washington

Dr. Hosny is a mentor for post-doctoral researchers, a global health mentor at the University of Washington, and a member of EAMTER (Egyptian Association for American medical training and Research). He works to support new researchers and international medical students from Asia, Africa and the Middle East with limited representation in the American Medical Educational System. Dr. Hosny also provides international lectures and feedback to medical students around the world on applying for residency and research positions in the United States. He is also frequently invited to provide introductions to Pathology Informatics to medical professionals and institutions abroad, including his home country of Egypt.

At the University of Washington, Dr. Hosny is actively involved in the following DEI committees and is excited to support API’s continued efforts to support, recognize, and promote pathologists and researchers from all backgrounds and orientations to enrich the growing community of pathology informaticists.: 

1.       ACGME Equity Matters Learning Community
2.       JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Committee in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology 

3.       Biomedical Research Internship for the Growth of High School Trainees from Underrepresented Populations (BRIGHT-UP)
4.       Initiative (not a committee yet) for tracing the gaps in DEI in Informatics, IT enterprise (subdivision under the CMIO of UW); Dr. Hosny and another ACMIO are working to identity these areas, with a goal to assist Spanish-language users by improving the interphase and interpreter service
5.       EAMTAR (Egyptian Association for American Medical Training and Research) in affiliation with Cairo University in Egypt 

Dr. Hosny has also joined the JPI Editorial Staff to support authors whose primary language may not be English, but who offer important research findings that should be shared with the pathology informatics community through the peer-review process offered by the Journal of Pathology Informatics.

API is committed to promoting pathology informatics as an academic and clinical subspecialty of pathology. If you are interested in learning more about how API seeks to support training and education initiatives for underrepresented populations, please contact Dr. Kareem Hosny, API’s Ad Hoc DEI Chair.