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Abstract Submission

Deadline January 14, 2025

There are two basic types of abstract presentations at the Pathology Informatics Summit:  a 15 minute oral presentation  and a traditional poster-style abstract. The submission form is the same for each. A select number of abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be elevated to a 35-minute lecture in the Becich-Friedman Distinguished Oral Presentation track. Those selected for this honor will receive free registration and be included on API's website. See details for each format below.

Abstracts for Short Oral Presentations

Short Abstract Presentations will be presented from 8:00 am to 9:00 am on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, and Wednesday, May 21, 2025. 

Short Abstract Presentations consist of a series of 10-12 minute talks, followed by questions posed by the audience. Attendees interested in presenting should submit a 350-word abstract. The word count is for the body of the abstract alone and does not include abstract title, authors, section headings, tables, or figures. Submissions may focus on any aspect of pathology informatics such as biomedical informatics, molecular pathology, and imaging. 
Pathology Informatics Summit 2025 will feature a few main areas of concentration: 

Pathology Informatics
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

Biomedical Informatics 
Molecular Pathology

Selection is competitive and will be based on how the presenters work furthers the field, as well as the content and clarity of the abstract. Presenters may employ PowerPoint, multimedia, and/or any other Internet-based technologies as indicated. 

Authors Presentations must submit an electronic abstract and must adhere to the specified formatting guidelines (see below).  Non-complying submissions will be rejected without review.  All accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pathology Informatics. 

Abstracts for Poster Presentation

Posters will be scheduled to be on display during two sessions on either Tuesday, May 20, 2025, or Wednesday, May 21, 2025. You will be required to be at your poster during the two sessions on the day you are scheduled. Poster plinths and push pins will be provided.  You may select where to hang your poster as we do not assign poster locations. Only paper posters may be submitted for presentation. Online submission of the abstract is required, and all abstracts must adhere to submission compliance and formatting guidelines. All accepted Poster abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pathology Informatics. Dr. Edward Klatt will be judging posters for both days. Prizes will be presented during Wednesday's President's Reception for the top three posters (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place).

Abstract Formatting

General Content

The abstract may contain a maximum of 350 words not including titles, authors, tables, or figures. Additionally, it must be organized under (and contain) the following headings:
  • Background
  • Technology* (optional)
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
**If describing a new/novel use for technology, please include it under the Technology heading


  • The text must be prepared in accordance with the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style, 9th edition.
  • Do not use abbreviations unless they appear 5 or more times, in which case you must spell out the abbreviation the first time it appears.
  • Do not begin the abstract by repeating the title, and do not cite references
  • List sources (name of company, city, state, and country) for all software and reagents.
  • Use conventional units of measure.
  • Use generic drug names unless the specific trade name of a drug is directly relevant to the discussion.
  • The name of the corresponding author should be shown in bold.
  • Separate each author name with a semicolon.
  • Affiliations for each author must be clearly listed, including full department and institution names.
  • The submitting author must sign and submit an Authorship Form. See the Authorship Form section below for complete information. 

Special Notes regarding figures:

  • A single table or figure may appear in the Results section. Make certain any acronyms used in a table are clearly defined in the text. Most figures should be submitted in TIF or JPG format at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If any text appears in the figure, it must be set at 12 points or larger.
  • Do not submit photomicrographs as either Word or PowerPoint files.
  • Do not add a figure label on figure image itself. When preparing figures, authors must remember that figures will be printed at a width of 3 inches. Thus, computer screen shots and other figures that contain small text are not good submission options. Also review the information regarding figures shown below (see Illustrations).
  • If submitting a figure or table, the authors must provide a description of the figure or table content, including a specific reference to the figure or table (e.g. Figure 1). Do not submit a separate figure or table legend; legends will not be printed.

Submission Information/General Instructions for Authors

Authorship/ Copyright Transfer Form: The submitting author must complete and sign the Authorship/Copyright Transfer form. This is for publication in the Journal of Pathology Informatics. Only the submitting author needs to sign this form. Abstracts cannot be accepted until this form is submitted to Beth Gibson at [email protected].

Authorship/Copyright Transfer Form

Informed Consent

If the manuscript reports the results of an experimental investigation of human subjects, state formally that consent was obtained from the subjects after the nature of the procedure(s) had been fully explained. Include a signed statement of consent from the patient (or, if the patient is a minor, from both parents or the legal guardian) with all identifiable photographs. Consent forms must contain a specific statement that photographs and information related to a case may be published separately or together and that the patient's name will not be disclosed. 

Ethical Requirements

For human or animal experimental investigations, specify in the Methods section of the manuscript what protocols were followed (e.g., Institutional guidelines regarding animal experimentation were followed and IRB approval was obtained).


Halftone and color images should be submitted at a minimum of 300 DPI, while line art should be submitted at 1200 DPI. Digital color files must be submitted in 24 bit color depth. Acknowledge fully all illustrations and tables taken from other publications, and submit a copy of the permission letter to reprint from the copyright owner.

Verification of Receipt of Abstract

An e-mail address for the corresponding author is required in the submission program. You will receive an immediate email confirmation of your abstract submission. If you do not receive an e-mail notification of the receipt of your abstract, it is your responsibility to immediately follow up (Contact Beth Gibson by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone at (734) 615-5727). She will confirm receipt of your abstract or will assist you to ensure that your abstract has been received.)

  • No travel funding is provided by the conference for accepted abstracts
  • If you are applying for a travel award, please DO NOT register until travel award notification is received.
  • Maximum of two (2) submissions per person.
  • Your notification of abstract acceptance does NOT include registration to the meeting.
  • Please go to the Hotel Reservations page and make your room reservations. 
 Questions? Please contact Beth Gibson at [email protected].